New Directions Project Trains Participants in MS Excel

The New Directions project, based at the Aldershot Enterprise Centre, has launched a series of MS Excel workshops for women using donated laptops by the local Lions Club. The project supports unemployed young women to get into work with 1:1 support and guidance as well as hosting a series of life and functional skills workshops to increase their chances of employability.
The MS Excel training includes introductions to formatting and calculations, manipulating table data using maths and built-in formulae and takes place every two weeks. The training is provided by Dave Thomas, a qualified trainer enjoying all things numbers.
The course was made possible with the donations of 8 laptops by the local Lions Clubs in Northeast Hampshire.
Graham Drayton from the Lions IT Refurbishment Team comments:
“The local Lions Clubs are proud to be involved in this scheme to empower women to be able to engage with modern communication methods. This puts into action our logo of ‘We Serve’.
The Lions IT Refurbishment Program has been running for the past 6 years in which time over 3,000 computers have been supplied to individuals and families in the Hart/Rushmoor area.”
Henriette Reinders, project manager for New Directions says:
“The donation of the laptops enables us to provide in-person MS Excel workshops for our participants. Many of them haven’t got their own laptops or the right software and this enables them to receive valuable skills in order to increase their confidence and chances of employability. For some of them it is the first introduction to a spreadsheet programme; others wish to refresh their skills. The attendees enjoy meeting each other regularly supporting their English conversation skills and become more confident to obtain paid work. “
The New Directions project is funded by the National Lottery Community Fund.
More information about the project can be found at https://www.joinnewdirections.org or phone Henriette on 07702953971.
For more information on the laptop scheme and if you are able to donate any surplus laptops: www.fleetlions.org.uk